Sunday, March 23, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 27-28

 This week we are covering D&C 27-28 and are focusing on the armor of God. I've included a book that helps explain the different pieces of armor, a mini coloring book, and a few fun activities.  I hope you and your family or primary class have a fun week learning more about how we can put on the armor of God. You can find all of these activities free in the download below. Have a wonderful week :)

Download Here!

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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 23-26

*Originally posted in 2021
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.  We are headed back to 2 hour church tomorrow! We are all very excited to go to class in person again.  Tell me if you are back for 1 or 2 hours or still online.  This week we are covering Doctrine and Covenants 23-26. We'll be learning about the importance of praying and reading our scriptures, keeping the commandments, and a little about Emma Smith.  There were so many topics in these chapters that it was hard to narrow down.  I hope you are able to find something that will work for you and your family or primary class. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 20-22

*Originally posted in 2021. You can find additional ideas for topics covered in these chapters by using the search bar. There are lots of ideas for baptism. 
I'm so excited to share this week's lesson helps with you! This week we are talking about the Church of Jesus Christ being restored and the blessings that it brings into our lives. Another topic suggestion in the primary manual is "we are blessed when we follow the prophet."  Our prophet recently shared a message with the children during the Friend to Friend broadcast. We are going to watch his message and use these fun printables to make a little display to help us remember what he taught.  It is about the small and simple things we can do to make a big difference.  This just happened to be a topic in our adult session of stake conference this week. One of the members of the presidency share a sweet video about a boy who found a way to change the world with his simple act. It is the sweetest thing and I can't even think about it with out crying :) I knew I wanted to share it with my children and was so excited when I realized how perfectly it fit in with this week's lesson. It's worth a watch and that link is included in the download so you'll have it.  You can grab all of these free printables in the downloads below.  I hope you find something that will work for your family or primary class.  Have a wonderful week and please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps for Doctrine and Covenants 19

This week we are covering D&C 19. I had a hard time narrowing down a topic because there are so many beautiful and powerful verses in this chapter. We will be taking about Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and how much he loves us. We will also be learning a little about how Martin Harris helped with the printing of the first Book of Mormons. Also don't forget, you can use the search bar to find a ton of other activities that may work for the theme you are looking for. Let me know if there is anyway I can help and as always you can find these activities free in the download below. See you next week! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Free March 2025 Holiday Calendar

If you are looking for a fun way to connect with your kids, I have a fun idea for you. This March Holiday calendar is full of 31 unique and fun holidays to celebrate with your family all month long. I've been making these for a few years and my kids love them. We do not celebrate every holiday, we do not have time for that. However, we do pick and choose our favorites and love checking the calendar every day to find out what unique holiday lands on that day. Its a great conversation starter. 
I like to keep things simple around here but feel free to get as creative as you want. I'd love to hear your ideas! You can find the free download below.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 18

*Activities were originally posted in 2021. This week we are coving D&C 18 and I have some adorable and fun activities for you. As always you can find the free download below.

This week we are covering Doctrine and Covenants sections 18 and 19.  We are focusing on D&C 18:10 and talking about the "worth of souls." We have some fun activities that help remind us that we all are very special to Heavenly Father and how this should influence how we treat and think of others and ourselves.  We have self portraits, love notes, and even some adorable fairy tale characters showing up in our activities this week.  I hope you find something to help teach your family or primary class this week.  Let me know if you have any questions :)

Monday, February 17, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 14-17

 *originally posted in 2021. You can find the other chapters we are studying this week in the post below. 

This week week we are covering D&C 14-17 and learning about missionary work and the 3 witnesses experience. You can find these fun activities in the free download below.  These are perfect for families or primary classes.  

Download Free Printables Here

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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: D&C 12-13 & JSH 1:66-75

 Hello! I hope you have had a great week. We are moving right along through February and this week we are covering Doctrine and Covenants sections 12-13 and Joseph Smith History 1:66-75. We will be learning more about John the Baptist restoring the Aaronic priesthood.  There is a story sequence and bingo game included in the download this week! I also wanted to cover baptism this month.  There are tons of stories and ideas in the Friend this month and you can find some fun activities here (including Baptism Jeopardy!) 

and Here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 10-11

*originally posted in 2021

 This week we are learning about praying always as we cover D&C sections 10-11. There are a few activities including making a poster, an interactive journal page (color, cut, and glue), and even a chance to build an aquarium that goes with a cute story from this months Friend magazine. I hope your family or primary class enjoys these Come Follow Me activities.  As always you can find all of these free in the download below.  Let me know if you have any questions or how you use these fun lesson helps this week :)  

Download Here

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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: D&C 6-9

 *originally posted in 2021

Hello and I hope you are having a wonderful week! I have some fun Come Follow Me lesson helps for Doctrine and Covenants 6-9. This week we are going to discuss how Heavenly Father answers our prayers. These activities are perfect for families or primary.  You can find all of these activities in the free download below.  Thanks for stopping by!

Download Here

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: Doctrine and Covenants 3-5

 *Originally posted in 2021

I hope you've all had a wonderful week! I'm popping in tonight with some new Come Follow Me lesson helps. This week we will be covering Doctrine and Covenants Section 3-5 and focusing on choosing the right even when its hard. We are going to learn a little bit about Martin Harris losing the manuscript and relate it to our lives using a story about two girls and their puppies.  I also add a cute puppy themed choose the right game and journal page.  These activities are perfect for families or primary. You can find all of the fun printables free in the download below! (Please ignore the cover page in the download-the links are correct but the numbers are wrong-sorry about that.  I fix it when I have a minute :) Please let me know if you have any questions and I'd love to know what you do for Come Follow Me this week.

Download in German Below

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Free Come Follow Me Lesson Helps: D&C 2 & Joseph Smith-History 1:27-65

*Originally posted in 2021

 The days seem to be flying by this month!  Here are some fun lesson helps for Doctrine and Covenants 2 and Joseph Smith History 1:27-65. These are perfect for teaching in the home or for your primary class.  This week we are talking a little bit about the importance of family history and being sealed as well as Joseph Smith receiving the plates.  

Here are some additional ideas you may like for this week:

  1. You can find more ideas including a sequence story board for Joseph Smith receiving the plates in this post
  2. There is a family tree in this post.
  3. A cute FHE about family history and a temple match game found here.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Please let me know if you have any questions and you can find all of these fun and free printables in the download below! 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Come Follow Me: Joseph Smith History 1:1-26

*originally posted in 2021


I'm so excited to share these new free Come Follow Me lesson helps with you.  This week we are coving Joseph Smith History 1:1-26.  This week we are going to talk about the First Vision, prayer, and how our prayers can be answered through the scriptures.  You can find all of the fun activities in the download below.  

Download the free printables Here

For the topic of prayer we are doing a fun family night. Our family will be watching a video about Joseph Smith and making individual pizzas.  Why pizza you might ask?  We are going to compare prayer to ordering a pizza. I found this article a few years ago and loved this concept.  You wouldn't call a pizza place, say "I want a pizza," and hang up. You would give them detail such as what type of crust, toppings, how many pizzas, etc. What about when we pray? Do we just say a few things and then hop into bed and that's the end? Using this concept we are going to discuss the why its important to add details to our prayers, and then listening and acting when we receive an answer. And you can't talk about pizza without eating pizza :)

I've also posted some activities based on the First Vision in the past that would be perfect for this week.

This story sequence is one of my favorites.  You can find it in this post. You can find additional ideas in this post or use the search bar.

Download in German: Material hier herunterladen

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Come Follow Me: D&C 1

*Originally posted in 2021! I'll try to remember to move the new week to the top of my website so its easier to find and hopefully fill in any missing weeks I missed 4 years ago.

Happy New Years Eve and wishing you a wonderful New Year.  I am popping in quick with our first Come Follow Me lesson helps for the year!  I'm so excited to be studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year and look forward to spending the year learning with you.  This week we are covering section 1. We will be playing a fun game to learn a little about what it means to prepare.  As always please let me know if you have any questions.

Our German translations will continue this year thanks to a dear friend. I'm having a program glitch so I do not have a cover picture but you can find the German lesson helps below.