*Originally posted in 2021. You can find additional ideas for topics covered in these chapters by using the search bar. There are lots of ideas for baptism.
I'm so excited to share this week's lesson helps with you! This week we are talking about the Church of Jesus Christ being restored and the blessings that it brings into our lives. Another topic suggestion in the primary manual is "we are blessed when we follow the prophet." Our prophet recently shared a message with the children during the Friend to Friend broadcast. We are going to watch his message and use these fun printables to make a little display to help us remember what he taught. It is about the small and simple things we can do to make a big difference. This just happened to be a topic in our adult session of stake conference this week. One of the members of the presidency share a sweet video about a boy who found a way to change the world with his simple act. It is the sweetest thing and I can't even think about it with out crying :) I knew I wanted to share it with my children and was so excited when I realized how perfectly it fit in with this week's lesson. It's worth a watch and that link is included in the download so you'll have it. You can grab all of these free printables in the downloads below. I hope you find something that will work for your family or primary class. Have a wonderful week and please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you so much for this. Greatly appreciated!!