Sunday, February 28, 2021

28 Fun and Unique Holidays to Celebrate in March


I love this free holiday calendar. March is full of fun and unique holidays that you and your family will love.  This adorable calendar is great to display and your family will love choosing some fun days to celebrate.  We love to pick a few holidays and do something simple.  My kids also love checking the calendar daily to see what the unique holiday is for that day.  This month we plan to celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday with a read-a-thon, make homemade oreo cookies on National Oreo cookie day, and color on National Crayon day.  I hope to fit in many more but hopefully that gives you a few ideas. I love that this gives us something to break up the routine of our week, a few minutes to pause and do something fun together.  I'd love to know what holiday you are most excited to celebrate.