First I just want to know how all of you are doing? It has been a crazy, unpredictable, and at time a little scary. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well and are healthy. I have a few ideas to help you teach the next chapters/books this week.
We are going to watch one of the following video clips about enos
New Book of Mormon Videos
Then we are going to talk about prayer. We have done quite a few lessons on prayer and this time we are going to talk about making our prayers more meaningful by praying for specific things. You can find more on this in the
Ensign's Family Study Fun...this one is my idea I submitted :)
Next we are going to play a little game. Pass out the paper below (or use a blank one) and a pencil to each family member. Set a time for 1 minute. Quickly write as many things as you can think of that you can thank or ask for during your prayers. You can either share your anwers OR use them to play pictionary or charades. Take turns picking something from your list and let your family guess what you are drawing or acting out. Another option is to use these pages as a journal page-little ones can draw their answers. Black and white options are included.
Next up is a match game for the younger members in your family. I picked a few things that we pray about. Once they find a match they can tell you if it is something we thank Heavenly Father for or ask him to bless. Many can go in both categories. *You will need to print two copies of this page preferably on cardstock or back with construction paper.
Ideas from the Friend:
Enos craft found
Enos story and coloring page
Another thing I wanted to talk about this week was being able to pray when we are scared. My kids have been asking question and have some fears about things going on around us. I went looking for some stories in the Friend and found some great ones.
prayers in the attic
prayers at the market
elevator prayers & chicken coop
a prayer in the night
Just a prayer away
prayer in the storm I decided to focus on this one because it also shows that parents can be scared too. I love the little girls example and how deciding to pray didn't just comfort her but also her dad.
I made some cute story cards to go along with this one that you can show as you tell the story. *Print and cut.
For this activity you will print, cut, and hide the airplanes around the room. Once the airplane is found have them fly it safely to the ground. Read the phase and discuss a few things you may add to your prayers when you feel that way.
Finally we are going to make prayer rocks.
I can bless others when I listen to the Holy Ghost. (Words of Mormon 1:3–8)
I am going to share this cute story from the Friend. It's about a little girl that listens to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and bless her family. You can find it
The we are going to read Word's of Mormon 1:3-8. Then use the puppets below to tell the story of the lost 116 pages and how we are blessed because Mormon listened to the Holy Ghost. (There is a great summary in the Individual and Family manual)
The primary manual suggests singing a song about the Holy ghost a few different ways like slow, loud, soft, etc. When you sing it soft discuss how the Holy Ghost speaks to us in a soft voice. I decided to use this song found here. It may be a new one for will be for a few in my family. I made some visuals to help remember/learn the words. We are going to sing it one time through.

Then we will use our song dice and sing the last couple of lines from the 2nd verse in different ways. When we land on the quiet we will talk about ways the Holy Ghost speaks to us.
Alright that is all I have for this week. If you have any questions or trouble with the download please let me know! Also if you have any questions about sharing these files with primary classes or family members please let me know-I've received a few emails about this and know there may be others with questions regarding this :)