
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Come Follow Me: 1 Nephi 1-7

*Originally Posted January 2020

I hope you have all had a wonderful week!  This week we are covering 1 Nephi 1-7 for Come Follow Me.  I am so excited to make The Book of Mormon my main study focus this year.  I love reading the familiar stories and diving a little deeper.  I have a few fun ideas for you this week that are perfect for families or primary classes.  You can find the in the Free download at the end of this post.

The first idea goes with 1 Nephi 1:1.  How many times have we read this verse haha.  This time we are going to focus on it.  We are going to talk about the phrase "goodly parents." Discuss some ways Lehi and Sariah were “goodly parents.” Then think of and share some of the “goodly” traits of your parents, grandparents, or someone you admire.   I decided to include others because it really does take a village to raise children.  You can use this cute printable to write down your thoughts.  There are two wording options-use the best one for your situation.  These can be done as a family or print one for each person.

Next, pick one person from your list and write a letter to that person thanking him or her for demonstrating some of the traits you have observed.  I included some blank stationary pages and thank you cards.  For the cards fold on the line.

Discussion: Share your list with your family.  What is a trait from your list that you would like to develop?  What steps can you take to develop that trait? 

Next, we are going to cover the story of Nephi and his brothers getting the brass plates.  There are some of the great video clips on the church's website linked in the lesson or I know my kids like the Living Scriptures.  We are going to be watching this video from Liken (affiliate link).  I've mentioned these movies before and my kids honestly love them-they often pick these for movie night.  They have fun music and are a little goofy but teach the story and a principal really well.  

I also included a fun bingo game with some of the people from the story. You can also print 2 of the calling cards to create a match game.

And I included a sequence story.  Cut the page with pictures apart and they can place them in order.  I like to add Velcro to my board and the back of the cards.  It is kind of a long story and was hard to condense into 6 pictures so if you have any questions on what is happening let me know :)  *Black and White option included! This is great for coloring and gluing to make their own.

We are also going to sing Nephi's Courage and listen to the new Youth Theme song.

I also saw the idea to make a badge in the primary manual.  I thought it was a fun idea so I made one for you :)  Print, cut, and let them color.  You can pin to their shirt or add a hole to the top to make a necklace.  I love using fruit loops as beads and add them to the string.

Finally, we are going to talk about the story in chapter 7 and how Nephi forgave his brothers.  I have a page in the download with a quote from the Friend about forgiveness that we are going to read. I really want to stress that forgiveness isn't always easy.  The story of Nephi forgiving his brothers may be a little hard for kids to relate to so I thought I would share this story from the friend. (I mentioned it in a post from last year so you may recognize it).  It's a cute story about a boy quickly forgiving his mom (you can find and print it here).  

After we are going to use these rockets to find ways to help us forgive (words come from here).  Print the rockets and cut out.  Cut the page of words out and glue the correct number behind the rocket.  Hide them around the room.  The page with the stars is optional.  As you find a rocket use pom poms to cover the star that matches the number.  Another idea would be to pull out legos and build your own creations.

That's all for this week!  I hope you find something that works for you.  As always if you have any questions or trouble with the download please don't hesitate to ask.


  1. Thank you for these awesome worksheets! Do you happen to have the black and white version of Nephi get the brass plates? My kids love these activities and always like coloring them. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for asking! I just added it :)

    2. I know that the boxed pictures were meant for the bingo game. However, they are a great teaching tool to tell the story. I am hoping that you might include new boxes of new people and items that are introduced in each lesson. By the end of the year, it would make a wonderful collection for reviewing and retelling of the stories. Thanks for all you do.

    3. I think that is such a fun idea. So just one version for each story (not sevearl like bingo right)? I will see what I can do. I am hoping I can keep on finding Book of Mormon clip art-my person only has nephi's family right now :( I know Lehi's dream does not have new people but I can make one for that story as well.

  2. Hi Crystal, could you please verify the order of your cute sequence cards? I just want to make sure I get it correct. Thanks!
    By the way I LOVE your ideas and refer to your blog often for my primary class!

    1. No problem :) You can use them and add as much detail as you want. The basics are 1. Lehi asks them to go back to Jerusalem to get the brass plates. 2. Nephi says he will "go and do" 3. the first attempt to get the plates-Laman asks Laban for them. 4. 2nd attempt-they bring their gold and other treasures to give to Laban. He keeps it but does not give it to them. 5. Nephi is told to kill Laban. After he runs into Zoram who takes him to get the brass plates. 6. They return home and their family is happy to see him.
      Its a lot of details to fit into 6 cards so you can expand it how ever works best for you :)

  3. I LOVE the story sequence cards! We used them as we watched the Book of Mormon video episode on it. They taped it on their paper while following along the video. Thank you for taking the time to make them! <3

    1. I love that idea! Thanks for sharing Lisa :)

  4. Thank you so much! We are using the sequence cards tonight for scriptures for my boys 4.5 and 2.5. They will love it!

    1. You are so welcome and so happy they like them :)

  5. You are such a wonderful person! I have used many of your lessons helps with my lessons. I have found them to help draw the children into the true meaning of the gospel stories and have watched more than one “I get it moments”!
    I deceived to make a binder for each child with separate sections for each of the books in the BOM.. This way hopefully, they will look back and remember what we studied, the games we played, and have good memories.
    So far it is working, only one child forgot to bring their binder and I have a feeling that won’t happen again.
    This week I bought them all pencil binder pockets to store whatever they need to, plus if we don’t finish something they can go back and finish through out the week.
    I think/pray that you would be impressed to see how well they look.

    Thanks to your wonderful ideas, downloads, and inspiration,


    1. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It seriously brought tears to my eyes. It makes me so happy that you are able to use these ideas and that they are helping :) Also I love the binder idea so much that I think I'm going to do it with my own kids! Thanks again :)

  6. So adorable! My teaching partner used several of these in her lesson and I couldn't wait until church was over to ask where she found such cute ideas!!!

    1. Thank you so much :) I am so happy you like them!
