When I was little we would make these countdowns every year. They are really simple and you can add whatever you would like to each day. I remember my mom using little toys, a toothbrush, pez dispensers, etc. as well as candy. I wanted to start this tradition with my kids and since we were oh 9 days behind we just used candy.
You will need plastic wrap, yarn, and enough candy (or other prizes) for each day until Christmas.
Roll out a long piece of plastic wrap (don't cut it yet). Place 1 candy in the center and evenly placed. You will want about 2 or more inches between each (ours were a little close but work) and don't forget to leave that much space at each end.
Once you are done cut your plastic wrap and fold each side across your candy.Next tie yarn (you can use ribbon, string or whatever you have) between each piece.
Hang up and each day you cut one section off and enjoy. This is why you want to have extra space for each day so you don't cut the next one too close.