
Monday, March 29, 2010

Clock Redo

Hi Everyone I am so excited to be back! It was a long trip but so fun and relaxing. I love being with my family. However I LOVE to be home and I missed my husband. I was able to work on my felt house while I was gone (still not finished and Livy's birthday is Wednesday-I should probably get moving). Last week was great! Make sure you visit all of the guest blogger posts-they shared amazing tutorial. Now I am exiceted to get back to normal and share some projects with you.
Today I thought I would share my clock redo in case you missed my swap with Fingerprints on the Fridge. I LOVE it! Its so simple and fun. It is also great because it can be made to fit any style.
I loved this clock and immediately went in search of my own treasure.

I found this one at the thrift store for $2

I removed the clock from the frame and used tape around the edges to protect the glass while I painted.I used about three coats of black paint and peeled off the tape.I traced around the clock face on the back of scrapbook paper and cut it out.I then drew a circle for the hands and cut it out.

I carefully slid the hands through the hole and attached the paper with a glue stick. I cut out numbers and attached them as well.Replace your clock face into the frame and you now have a very cute updated clock.

Monday, March 1, 2010

So Lucky pillow

We now have a little green in our house. I made this little pillow over the weekend. I drew up my own stitch design (its at the end of the post if any one wants to use it). I made it to fit an 8x10 frame or make a small pillow. I cut out my fabric so it was a little bigger then the pattern. Mine is 11 x 9 inches I then traced the pattern on to the fabric and back stitched all of the words and the stem.

I cut hearts out of green fabric (the same fabric I used for the border and the back of the pillow). I attached with fabric glue and then hand stitched around each heart.

For the pillow:-I made this up as I went and forgot to take some pictures so please ask if something doesn't make sense.

I cut out 4 strips (2 from each color) for the border around my pillow. They are 2.5 inches thick and 2.5 inches longer then my stitched fabric (13.5 inches).

I pinned the top border piece and my fabric right sides together lining up one of the corners. I then stitched starting from the corner almost to the end of my fabric (you want to leave enough room to add the final side. Open it up and it will look like this.

Pin your side piece (fabrics right side together) It should line up the the top of the border and the bottom edge of your stitched fabric. Sew together. continue your border (don't forget to finish the top piece) Refer to the picture below for a better explanation. It should look like this when you're done.You can iron all of your seams but I didn't because I was too lazy. Cut out a piece of patterned fabric the same size as your pillow top. Pin right sides together and sew around the edges leaving an opening to flip.
I used Craftaholics Anonymous' idea and stuffed it with plastic sacks. Then stitched it shut.

Here is the pattern I made. Please let me know if there are any problems with it.
So Lucky Stitch