Hi Everyone I am so excited to be back! It was a long trip but so fun and relaxing. I love being with my family. However I LOVE to be home and I missed my husband. I was able to work on my felt house while I was gone (still not finished and Livy's birthday is Wednesday-I should probably get moving). Last week was great! Make sure you visit all of the guest blogger posts-they shared amazing tutorial. Now I am exiceted to get back to normal and share some projects with you.
Today I thought I would share my clock redo in case you missed my swap with
Fingerprints on the Fridge. I LOVE it! Its so simple and fun. It is also great because it can be made to fit any style.

I loved
this clock and immediately went in search of my own treasure.
I found this one at the thrift store for $2
I removed the clock from the frame and used tape around the edges to protect the glass while I painted.

I used about three coats of black paint and peeled off the tape.

I traced around the clock face on the back of scrapbook paper and cut it out.

I then drew a circle for the hands and cut it out.
I carefully slid the hands through the hole and attached the paper with a glue stick. I cut out numbers and attached them as well.

Replace your clock face into the frame and you now have a very cute updated clock.